Jennifer Manning so i went to a "friends"house and she said come in i want you to see something,when i walked in she had her christmas tree up(with lights)and she was very proud of her tree..please tell me WHO PUTS UP A XMAS TREE IN OCT..and the answer is the only IDIOT i know, Angela Manning i wont call your name but i will tell it,s.m.h
I was even more thankful for the laughs when I found out that Angela dressed up as a Christmas Tree for Halloween. She is so AWESOME. I don't care what they say about Angela Manning. I say Angela Manning is a stone cold genius. Aunt Bit did right by that one. Speaking of Christmas, have you started your shopping yet?
Other expressions of Appreciation:
- Sunshine and Blue Skies - I love days like today
- Conversations with Allan - He is really trying hard to leave his current school. When he got in the car today, I asked him how was his day. He replied, "Not so good. I got a half straight face and half frowny face." Me: "Really? Why?" Allan: "I was talking." Me: "Why?" Allan: "I was bored." Me: "What were you talking about?" Allan: "I don't remember. More than half the people at my school are obese. And we don't even get a full recess. We may get 5 minutes if that." Me: "Really? Do you enjoy those 5 minutes?" Allan: "No. We are not allowed to run at recess. AND we can't play tag! Not even tag football." Me: "NO TAG PLAYING ALLOWED!! Now that is just wrong! We need to do something about that. Well, tell me something good about your school." Allan: "If my school were a high school there would be no teenage sex because all the girls are ugly." After that I had to give up. Allan did more talking and I mostly tuned him out because my song was on the CD player. I heard some of what he said: "blah blah blah no homework blah not playing blah blah" I had my mommy filter on so I only heard what really mattered. Don't judge me for that. I know all you parents reading this have done that before. HA.
- Late night ice cream runs before President Blair Underwood
comes on TV.
- The fact that I signed up for NaBloPoMo 2010. I have something to do before bed.
Good Night and Namaste
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