Monday, April 10, 2006

Laughter is good medicine

Post your jokes here in the comments section please. I need some funny therapy today.


Anonymous said...

Found your blog(s) via sean lovetts page (where you lefta comment)

hope your day got better even though you recieved no jokes.


Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning.
He told Bush that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq.

To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost whimpering.

Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld, "Just exactly how many is a brazillion?"

Sean said...

Hi Keala. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. Here's a joke for you (no this isn't mine, in case someone says something, I am just passing it along).

A Kindergarten class was given a homework assignment to find out about something exciting and relate it to the class the next day.

When the time came to present what they'd found, the first little boy walked up to the front of the class and made a small dot on the chalkboard.

Puzzled, the teacher asked him what it was. "It's a period," said the boy. "What's so exciting about a period?" she asked.

"Damned if I know," said the boy, "but this morning my sister was missing one, my mom fainted, my dad had a heart attack, and the man next door shot himself."

Keala said...

Thanks for the jokes guys. I really appreciate it.

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