Friday, December 28, 2012

Me Bossy? Really?

So, Gail and I were talking this morning and she said I was just like my mother. Huh? Gail please. I admit I have qualities and characteristics like Ms Brenda, but I am NOT Ms Brenda. I do admit to being a tad bit bossy, but I don't think I go overboard with it. NOT saying my mom is bossy or goes overboard with it!

We decided to ask all of my friends if they think I'm bossy and on a scale of 1 to 100 how bossy they think I am.  If you know me, please participate.  If you think you know me you can vote too.  Gail has a number in mind that she thinks people will tend to vote close to.  I'm just curious to know how bossy yall really think I am.

Do you think Keala is bossy?

  free polls 

If so, how bossy would you rate her on a scale of 1 to 100?

On a scale of 1 to 100, how bossy is Keala? free polls 


number7 said...

In the name of accuracy that scale should probably range from 1 to 200

Keala said...

Why do you say that StepVhen?

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