Friday, October 26, 2007


My blog is now in the approval/review process for acceptance to Blogsvertise. If you've read my previous blog, then you'd know that I'm trying to make some extra money blogging. Yall know I love to blog.

My understanding of how Blogsvertise works is as follows:

  1. Visit
  2. Register and submit your blog
  3. Receive an email from blogsvertise confirming your registration information
  4. Write a blog about blogsvertise to prove that you understand the process
  5. Your blog is approved by blogsvertise and you can begin receiving advertising request tasks from advertisers
  6. Blogsvertise will email assignments to your mailbox
  7. You have 5 days to accept or decline the offer
  8. If you accept the offer you must visit the sponsor's site and then write a blog entry/review about it or their product in your blog.
  9. Your entry has to be more than 75 words long.
  10. You must have 3 links to the sponsor's site in your entry
  11. You don't have to endorse the sponsor you visited. Just mention it in your blog. Be creative if you have to.
  12. Every assignment that is completed and approved earns between $4 to $25 per entry
  13. All payments are made via paypal

So, if you have a blog and an active paypal account, you can make money using blogsvertise.

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