Saturday, December 28, 2024

Happiness - The Choice is Yours

People often ask me how do I stay happy all the time.  The truth is that I don't think I'm happy all of the time, but I do know that whatever state of mind or state of being you are in is a choice.  It's your choice.  Happy, sad, angry, bubbly, confident, afraid, silly, loving, and melancholy, etc are all choices.

I admit that I do have a bubbly personality, but states of being are choices. defines "happy" as:
adjective, happier, happiest.
  1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
  2. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind.
  3. favored by fortune; fortunate or lucky: a happy, fruitful land.
  4. apt or felicitous, as actions, utterances, or ideas.


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